Let’s get to know each other!

See who makes up Talent Flow.

years of experience
projects completed
areas of specialization

We are specialist in:

customer service

sales & marketing

HR and administration

finance and accounting

forwarding and logistics


Anna Kwiatkowska

Vocational counsellor, labor educator, graduate of the Higher School of Pedagogy in Warsaw with a specialization in vocational counselling. Currently, a participant of MBA Postgraduate Studies.
w formule MBA.

For nearly 17 years I have been assisting Management Staff in shaping personnel policy by selecting appropriate resources, tools and implementing effective solutions in the area of Human Resources Management. While working for the largest Polish and international companies, I had the opportunity to participate in the key stages of their development. My priority is combining business efficiency with a humanistic view of human potential.

At Talent Flow, I am responsible for strategy, creating directions of development, cooperation with Business Partners and consulting.

Alicja Krzynówek

A graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the Krakow University of Economics with a specialization in Human Resource Management.

Od ponad 10 lat realizuję projekty rekrutacyjne na stanowiska specjalistyczne i menedżerskie. Zdobywałam wiedzę praktyczną zarówno po stronie biznesu, jak i firm doradztwa personalnego. Od sierpnia 2022 roku jestem Certyfikowanym Konsultantem DISC D3.

At Talent Flow, I am responsible for effective reaching of Candidates and complex realization of recruitment projects. I work with both Polish- and English-speaking Clients and support them in their search for the best Talent.

Our objectives


Na etapie weryfikacji kontaktujemy się z każdą z osób, która prześle do nas swoje CV.


Taking care of transparency of salaries, we publish our offers with market rates.


Our Candidates always get valuable feedback at each consecutive stage of the recruitment process.


We want to share our market knowledge about recruitment and the job market.


We work with the best, both Clients and Candidates.


At every stage is key for us.

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