Knowledge Base

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Przemiany pokoleniowe na rynku pracy

Generational changes that occur on the job market are a standard phenomenon, always visible in the demographic background. The different generations in society also have their own characteristic terms, such as Millennials, generation X, Y, and Z. The differences between them are not only age and experience [...]

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Krótki poradnik dla szukających pracy

Looking for a job is a real challenge for most of us, followed arm in arm by a considerable amount of stress. If you start this process, it is definitely worth preparing yourself properly. Below, in a few points, you will find a short guide which may make your mind easier. 1. Let them find you. A very large proportion of Recruiters are actively looking for passive Candidates. It is estimated that up to 80% of vacancies never see the (published) light of day [...]

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Jak przygotować się do rozmowy rekrutacyjnej online?

In the face of the pandemic, huge changes have taken place in almost every walk of life. Thanks to the use of the latest technology and tools available to us, these changes can also be seen in HR. An interview with a recruiter for a specific position can now be easily done from home (or even from anywhere in the world). A visit to the company’s headquarters is no longer a necessity [...]

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